Hey fellow knitters,
I hope everyone enjoyed the fireworks last weekend. Pauline and I were particularly pleased, yet surprised to find a new knitter there waiting for us at the pub, happily knitting away in the corner on her own! Aah! I felt awful for not being there to welcome Grace our new member, but she wasn't to know about the fireworks.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to getting the group underway again this Thursday 12th November as it's been a while and we were just gathering momentum!

One last thing - do check out my link to the Innocent Smoothie website as you may have seen the knitted bobble hats on their drinks in Sainsbury's - well it's all in aid of charity, and I'd love our group to get involved the Big Knit. I also have a Hatometer on my Homepage and in Links and Resources which shows how many thousands of hats have been knitted altogether!

Looking forward to seeing you lovely ladies (and maybe men!) on Thursday!.

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